I Can’t Chew Well.
Characteristics & what to look for
You may notice difficulty chewing if you have multiple missing teeth or have teeth that are severely broken down or very mobile.
Similar and related Symptoms
Other reasons you may not be able to chew well include recent dental work (like an extraction or root canal), soreness after getting braces or neck surgeries. These are generally temporary, and chewing should become easier as you move through the healing process.
Negative effects of chewing problems
Chewing well is important in many ways including:
- It aids in proper digestion
- It helps you taste and enjoy your food
- It helps you absorb nutrients better
- It can help you maintain a healthy weight
What you can do at home to help ease the symptom
There are a few things that you can do at home to help if you are having difficulty chewing.
Choose soft foods that are high in nutrients like cooked vegetables, eggs and soft fruits. Cottage cheese or other soft cheeses are good as well. It’s nice to enjoy a smoothie, which is cool and refreshing as well as easy to eat.
Treatment and how we can help
If your difficulty in chewing is due to missing teeth or teeth that are breaking down, it is important to see a dental professional promptly. There are treatments for cavities and periodontal disease, as well as tooth replacement options, that can help make chewing easier and improve the quality and enjoyment of eating.
Enjoy a healthy smile and chew with confidence. Schedule a consultation today!
Long term effects if left untreated and negative progression
It’s important to remember that cavities and periodontal disease are infections that, if left untreated, can cause serious problems including pain, swelling and tooth loss. It can even cause hospitalization in very serious situations.